These are 5 of my favourite tips to feel more confident in life…sometimes the simplest things are the easiest to implement in our busy lives, yet they can be the most effective, especially when practising them daily! yours for free when you sign up to my newsletter!

I am an experienced Mindset & Spiritual Coach, Hypnotherapist/NLP practitioner who helps people into unlocking the inner powers within themselves and achieving their goals. easily and effortlessly.

I cannot wait to delve into a life journey with you…

The Ultimate Entrepreneurs Package = 1:1 Mentoring Hypnotherapy/NLP/Mindset & Spiritual Coaching and Activation with Gaia.

A 12 months energetic journey looking at all aspects of your life. It is only for few individuals with high level of success that are still experiencing blockages in their lives and wanting to go to the next level. This mentoring includes:
-1:1 Executive VIP days of interviews, mindset/spiritual coaching with Gaia.
-1:1 transformational hypnotherapy/NLP with Gaia

-Powerful Activation with Gaia
-Access to all Gaia’s products, trainings & courses

-Ongoing private Facebook Group support

-Monthly Unlimited mentoring & calls with Gaia

The Ultimate Transformational Mentoring = 1:1 Hypnotherapy/NLP/Mindset-Spiritual Coaching with Gaia
A 1:1 x 3 sessions of tailored hypnosis session with Gaia & Mindset/Spiritual mentoring to unlock your inner powers.
Session 1: 1 hour introduction/interview & mindset & spiritual coaching
Session 2: 1:1, 2 hour transformational hypnotherapy/NLP- removing stagnant belief system & re-pattern with desired ones + Mini Tailored HPs
Session 3: 1 hour follow up coaching + guided practice

Investment: Sliding Scale (choose what you pay)

$600 - For full time students and those experiencing financial hardship
$1,000- Full value exchange + gain lifetime Facebook Group support monthly advice, special hypnosis for major astrological events.
$1,500 - For those who are financially abundant and would like to pay it forward + gain lifetime Facebook Group support, special hypnosis for major astrological events and Gaia’s monthly advices.

All prices in AUD 
Payments can be made in 2 instalments with % surcharge

The Ultimate Activation Mentoring = 1:1 HYPNOTHERAPY/NLP/Energetic Activation/Mindset & Spiritual coaching with Gaia
This mentoring includes 3x 1:1 sessions:
Session 1: 1 hour introduction/interview & mindset coaching
Session 2: 3 hour transformational hypnotherapy/NLP- removing stagnant belief system & re-pattern with desired ones & Energetic Activation with connection with Higher self/earth/allies.
Session 3: 1 hour follow up coaching + guided practice

Investment: Sliding Scale (choose what you pay)

$800 - For full time students and those experiencing financial hardship
$1,200- Full value exchange + gain lifetime Facebook Group support monthly advice, special hypnosis for major astrological events.
$1,600 - For those who are financially abundant and would like to pay it forward + gain lifetime Facebook Group support monthly advice, special hypnosis for major astrological events and Gaia’s monthly follow up.

All prices in AUD 
Payments can be made in 2 instalments with % surcharge

Month/yearly Mindset & Spiritual Coaching with Gaia (see bonuses)

So you can use this membership to stay on track with your life journey as it will give you lots of support! You will receive so many bonuses, such as my unique journals, special events downloadable, guided meditations and digital PDFs with tips & advice, as well as my private Facebook Group.

Thank you! Blessings Gaia

Investment: Sliding Scale (choose what you pay)

Monthly $28AU - Full value exchange + gain lifetime Facebook Group support monthly advice, special hypnosis for major astrological events, free downloadable.
Yearly $250- Full value exchange + gain lifetime Facebook Group support monthly advice, special hypnosis for major astrological events, free downloadable.

All prices in AUD 

Single sessions 1:1 with Gaia Mindset & Spiritual Coaching

Exciting!….I love to be able to help you with any questions, concerns…What is my purpose? How do i delve successfully into my everyday life? what business would be good for me? how do I cope with grief, anxiety, and any stressful situations? what do I do if my relationship isn’t working? how do I handle my relationship with my children?

Well, firstly you’re not alone…I am a master in discovering the “golden key”, the core of all issues and to give you tailored advice on what to do…then It’s up to you to take onboard the advice and to action them…Tapping into my intuitive & spiritual powers, I always had this gift of being able to easily unpack what It’s going on and to find solutions for my clients.

So you can use this package to stay on track with your life journey as it will give you lots of support! See about me to understand the depth of advice I can give you. I do not give financial advices.

Especially in these turbulent and powerful times we’re living in, more than ever, we are in need for support and guidance…my aim is to help you tapping into your own inner powers so you will be able to embrace the world’s challenges with ease, power and confidence…..I can’t wait to be working with you!


1:1 Session x 90 minutes $350 AU - Full value exchange
All prices in AUD 

Mini HPs

They are audio downloadable to cement in the hypnosis I did for you or you have done previously with others. My clients love these as they give you a support through your changing journey, where your unconcious mind can recognise a familiar voice constantly reinforcing the positive belief systems. The common topics for these recordings are confidence, abundance, release stress, well-being and so on, yet I also record specific mini HPs after the main hypnotherapy session tailored to each specific person’s needs.


1:1 session x 90 min at $150 Au with one child & parent at Gaia’s studio or online (Gaia hold WWCC).

Art is a wonderful way to re-program and program children’s unconcious mind as creativity, feelings & emotions are strongly linked in it (the unconcious mind is 95% of who we are).

Gaia has many years experience with children working as childcare teacher (Cert III in Early Childhood and Care/Cert IV in Training and assessment) and her unique and proven method of using suggestions and skilled communication help them gaining confidence and self-esteem. Removing anxiety and related issues (that they may have picked up from the external world, such as family environment, school, media and others.) the sessions normally create a ripple effect where other issues are easily resolved. Gaia helps parents, teaching them how to implement simple strategies in the every day life to really create the happy and thriving environment for their children.


•as a parent you’ll learn simple and safe techniques to help your children thriving.

•removing stress & anxiety in your children’s life with hypnotherapy & art

•Ripple effect: parents will benefit from it too!

Happy children, happy parents


When we work with creativity we talk directly to our unconscious mind. In this course I will give you simple techniques for you to easily tap into your inner self through art making (yes, even if you’re not an artist!) learning about the power of hypnotherapy. You will feel instantly more relaxed and centred and the more you practice it the more you’ll train your unconscious mind and see the positive results. You will start to experience different feelings of confidence and self-worth and as a ripple effect it will positively affect your life and the actions you will take.

In this course you will learn:

• Get into a creative space

• Remove the negative belief systems/negative self thinking

•Reprogram your unconcious mind with positive thinking & belief systems

Easy Self Hypnosis with Gaia-Online Course

In this course I will give you simple techniques for you to perform self-hypnosis in the safety and comfort of your home. You will feel calmer and very relaxed as you will learn the simple techniques of communicating with your unconcious mind. In this hypnotic and very relaxed state you will experience the benefit of this wonderful practice as you easily and naturally release all the negative belief systems .You will replace them with confidence and self-worth feeling fantastic. the more you practice the deeper it goes into your unconcious mind so you’ll see the benefit in your daily life.

In this course you will learn:

• Short introduction about hypnotherapy, how it works and its benefits

• Simply find a comfortable position for you to sit down…let’s start with a deep relaxation to get into the hypnotic state (easy recording for you to download and listen to)

• Removing the negative belief systems/negative self thinking (easy recording -wash away sandcastle-for you to download and listen to)

•Reprogram your unconcious mind with positive thinking & belief systems (easy recording-Gaia’s unique technique-for you to download and listen to)